We Provide Chiropractic Care for Expecting Moms

Our Pregnancy Package Includes

  • Pregnancy Chiropractor for Prenatal and Postnatal Care

    We’d love to see you early in your pregnancy so we can help you before and after your big day!

  • During Labor

    In home adjustments while in labor to help progress contractions and ensure proper pelvic alignment for optimal delivery.

  • Newborn Checkup

    Complimentary checkup on your newborn. We can even visit you at home if needed.

  • Essential Oil Therapy

    Our essential oil therapy includes the best essential oils to use during pregnancy, labor and for post natal ailments.

  • Holistic Education

    Dr. Railey is more than happy to help educate you on holistic options for issues such as mastitis, colic and more.

  • Little Gifts of Love

    Little gifts of love given to you throughout your pregnancy to help you through those tough stages, such as morning sickness, stress and contractions.

Pregnant Pregnancy Chiropractic Care Colorado Springs

We Do Webster Technique!

Why You Should Consider Chiropractic Prenatal Care

Specialized prenatal care enables you to experience the wonders of pregnancy and childbirth while reducing the chances of needing any medical interventions.

If you are like many women, you may have questions about the safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy. Not only is it safe, but it is highly beneficial to both mom and baby.

Reports also show that the need for medical intervention during labor greatly decreases in women who have prenatal chiropractic care.

For women who are carrying a breech, posterior or transverse baby, specialized chiropractic care can help them avoid an invasive Cesarean section.

A chiropractor is the only doctor on the planet trained to correct any spinal and pelvic misalignments (also called subluxations).

Only a handful of chiropractors are specially trained to care for the special needs of a pregnant woman. Dr. Jennifer Railey is one of them. Call her today at 719-636-1615.

Pregnancy Prenatal Post Natal Chiropractor Colorado Springs

Did you know that women who receive prenatal chiropractic care have a 50% shorter labor? Come see Dr. Railey to discuss your pregnancy and how we can help.

We Use Special Techniques for Pregnancies

Dr. Railey uses a specific and specialized technique to decrease strain on ligaments of the pelvis, round ligaments, and to realign the sacrum. These areas can potentially aggravate or be the cause of your low back, abdominal or pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Posture also plays a major role. As your baby and beautiful belly grows, the spine has a growing weight to handle. Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy allow for better nervous system communication.

If you’re looking for a pregnancy chiropractor, please contact our office for a free chiropractic consultation with Dr. Railey. She is more than happy to address any questions or concerns you may have about your pregnancy. You may also book an appointment online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is chiropractic care safe for the mother-to-be?

Yes! Not only is it safe, it’s beneficial to both mom and baby. Women who undergo routine prenatal chiropractic care typically have more enjoyable pregnancies, shorter labor times and less need for medical interventions.

Is chiropractic care painful during pregnancy?

Not at all. There are many low force, gentle techniques that Dr. Railey uses. Some patients have said that the only way they knew they were adjusted is because they feel better!

Does Dr. Railey only care for the needs of pregnant women?

No! Dr. Railey cares for the whole family, including newborns, siblings, dads, aunt, uncles, grandparents…you get the idea. We’d also love to see your neighbors, friends and co-workers too. We welcome everyone at our practice!

Can babies get adjusted?

Absolutely! Our Incline mamas receive complimentary checkups on their newborns. Colic, constipation, allergies, reflux, and nursing difficulties are often corrected with 1-2 visits to Dr. Railey.